Why did the Father send the Son? He walked with Adam, why didn't He come here to earth again?
Its great when you hear someone talk about what they can and will do. Although God doesn't need anything. It means so much more when you hear the Son's opinion about the Father. A son lives, works, gets its vision from the Father. Therefore when God sent His only Son. It is such a deep wisdom that He released to us. We not only received the Fathers salvation through the Son. Jesus said to Thomas if you see me you see the Father. So many times Jesus said that He only says and does what the Father shows Him. In society the position of the Father is the most important. It carries the most weight. You cant even properly run a church until you can run your household. God puts the weight on the Father. He showed us the example of what our life on earth here is like through the picture of the Father and Son. So this not only reveals to us what to do as fathers, it also shows that the son knows the father. So when we are living life, if you really want to know someone, all you need to do is talk to the son. You will get a clear picture on who the Father is by what the Son does and says about him. The father provides almost a complete covering. When a child is young the only world they know is the father. There is no outside influence. As our sons go to school and in society they just mimic what the Father has shown them. In order to be saved, we must recognize the Son of God, being sent, and His sacrifice to take away our sins. There was no sin in Him (the son) he took them away from us. Now we get the redemption. Redemption of what? Redeeming that which was lost. The relationship with the Father. We receive His Spirit, which is the adoption of son ship. We cry "abba" father through this Spirit. For many, it is hard to see God, mainly due to the lack of a proper father. We are not limited by this, but massive amounts of history show the lack from the father influences the children.
So you say your great and have something figured out. I'll believe it when your son says it. Also we should be able to look at a son and see the fruit of his life and it will judge the authoritative position of the Father. We get to see how much the Father has built and the maturity of the father. Society is built and falls based on the strength of each individual family. If they are in good relationship with God and obey Him society is blessed. If not, well...........
There is hope. But we cannot ignore what God has set up and a failure to recognize this will show up. None of us want that to happen. So how important is today? How important is it to get into a good relationship with the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit. I would say its everything. God will ultimately use the example and relationship of the family to show the earth His Glory. Its impossible to ignore those who obey Him. You either receive them or you will persecute them. We are not perfect. But in obedience we get to show a picture of whats available to us from God. And if done appropriately. God will get the Glory, and people will respond to Him.
Tags: 1 tim 3:5, adam, authority, eph 2:18, father, gal 4:6, Gen 3:8, holy spirit, john 12:49, john 14:7, john 15:21, john 8:28, mark 14:36, maturity, redemption, relationship, restoration, rom 8:15, son, trinity, gal 4:5,
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